KUUT  :  Grandfather  Healing by connecting with the Elders

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Directed by John Veltri, Produced by Marguerite Lorimer

This short documentary film is about the impact of an ancient culture and a traditional elder, Charles Thom Sr, on the elder’s grandsons. *

Filmed by Veltri in 1989 when the grandsons were all boys, and 20 years later when they are young adults, KUUT : GRANDFATHER integrates the wisdom of a Karuk elder with the hopes, dreams and aspirations of his grandsons, who reflect about the importance of bringing traditional cultural values and ceremony back into their lives.

The film is being produced with the intention of inspiring young people of all ethnicities to build stronger, healthier relationships with their peers, families and communities, by learning about their cultural heritage and building a relationship with the traditional elders and teachers within that culture.

• some scenes also include Charlie's sons and nephews.

Materials compiled for this film include Beta Cam video and HDV filmings of interviews, drumming, stories, and songs, and still photography.


Foundation grants and donations from individuals are helping to produce this documentary film.

Tax-deductible donations in any amount

are gratefully accepted through our

official non-profit sponsor:

Siskiyou Arts Council

418 A North Mount Shasta Blvd 

Mount Shasta, California 96067

http://siskiyouartscouncil.org  530-926-1294

Please write on your check: 

“for KUUT film”

A John Veltri Film-in-Production

Produced by EarthAlive Communications

Featuring Northern California Karuk Medicine Man

Charles Thom Sr and his grandsons

We are grateful to the following foundations for the support they have given for this project:

The Humboldt Area Foundation, Native Cultures Fund, Angeles Arrien’s Foundation for Cross Cultural Solutions