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No material on this site may be copied or reproduced without written permission from Marguerite Lorimer and John Veltrimailto:info@earthalive.com?subject=copyright%20question
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We live in Mount Shasta to be close to nature, to drink the pure water, breathe the clean air, hike the mountains, swim in the rivers, and experience the intensity and glory of each of the seasons. We love being a part of such an interesting, vibrant and diverse community.

Mount Shasta is considered by many to be a sacred place. To traditional Northern California Natives - and to us - it is a living being! The ancient legends, creation stories, sacred songs and wisdom teachings that have been passed down from generation to generation help all people to understand and more deeply appreciate this unique, deeply spiritual place.  COME TO MOUNT SHASTA... experience this beautiful mountain in your own special way!


A DONATION IN ANY AMOUNTwill help us to continue expanding this website and producing media about innovative people,  indigenous cultural representatives, and the perspectives, teachings, stories, music, songs, dance, and art they offer.

Click on the DONATE BUTTON (left) to make a secure PayPal donation or send check to John Veltri PO 785 Mount Shasta, California 96067


The Earth is Alive!

Remember to take some time each day to breathe, feel gratitude for life and drink from our Earth’s wild, wide ocean of beauty!
